Wednesday, October 5, 2011

OLIO SHOW - 2011- Neon fun.

After a few mishaps like the props being left on the stage and the videographer editing out the sound on the professional video, we still managed to pull it off.
We performed on sept 7th and sept 10th, where on the same day we had a PUMA gig and rushed to the next venue spending and hour in a jammed up car! Thank you Dwayne for the drive and the footage.

Kezia almost lost her costume! lol and we all pretty much lost our minds trying to get ready in 8 minutes. 5 girls , one mirror, not pretty.

Anyways after weeks of hard work, and fun.. we really enjoyed ourselves on stage. A few hiccups here and there, but no mistakes at all.

Our legs were giving way but our hearts were full of energy.
Here is the video.. we are always pusinh to improve, knowing that being the best is not a real concept, but dancing with joy and freedom to keep our sometimes troubled lives seem magical.

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